

These works are all made from recycled materials that had been carelessly dumped, I have personally salvaged them from places within the landscape where they do not belong; land fill, river, beach & ocean clean up projects with the aim to put these valuable materials to a better end of life.

These works are all made in a carbon neutral process, the principles, processes and machinery were  installed at the 'Makers Place' recycling studio in the Maldives.

You can learn more about 'Makers Place' in the Maldives here..

Discover More

about the artist and the Distil Ennui Studio™ founded in 1990

  • Transparency of a dream illuminated. Plate XIII  photographic print - €6950 | Shop now & buy direct from the artists studio - Distil Ennui ™ est.1990.


    read about the many community led projects, studio practices and our extensive global artist residency program.

  • Bibliography

    read and download the artists full CV

  • Contact

    reach out to the studio

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